Biosecurity in Vietnam's Livestock Industry: Status, Challenges, and the Role of Sanfovet in Ensuring Comprehensive Solutions

Biosecurity in livestock farming involves implementing scientific and practical measures to prevent, control, and minimize the risk of disease transmission among animals and from animals to humans. Effective biosecurity is critical not only for animal health but also for ensuring human food safety. The application of veterinary drugs plays a vital role in disease prevention and treatment, supporting robust biosecurity practices. In this context, products from renowned companies like "Veterinary Medicines Vietnam" and "Veterinary Medicines Manufacture" are crucial.

The Current State of Biosecurity in Vietnam

Vietnam's livestock sector, despite witnessing rapid growth, faces significant biosecurity challenges. Outbreaks such as African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza have highlighted critical vulnerabilities in the disease control framework. Key issues include the indiscriminate use of veterinary drugs and antibiotics, which contributes to increasing resistance levels, affecting both animal welfare and public health.

Existing Challenges

  1. Misuse of antibiotics and veterinary drugs: The widespread and uncontrolled use of veterinary medicines, particularly antibiotics, poses a severe risk in the Vietnamese market. Stringent regulations are needed to oversee products from local manufacturers and importers like "Animal Medicines Manufacture" and "Animal Medicines Vietnam."
  2. Inadequate surveillance systems: The absence of a robust disease surveillance system in the livestock sector hampers timely detection and response to disease outbreaks, compromising the effectiveness of biosecurity measures.
  3. Limited awareness among farmers: There is a noticeable gap in the understanding and implementing of biosecurity practices among smallholder farmers, who often need to adhere to established safety protocols.

Sanfovet's Role in Enhancing Biosecurity

As a leading "Veterinary Medicines Exporter," Sanfovet has a pivotal role in advancing biosecurity measures within Vietnam's livestock industry. Sanfovet not only provides high-quality veterinary drugs but also engages in extensive farmer education programs to elevate awareness about the proper use of these medicines. Their commitment extends to collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations to improve veterinary drug use regulations and practices.

Strategic Initiatives by Sanfovet

  • Educational Programs: Sanfovet organizes workshops and training sessions for farmers, focusing on the safe and effective use of veterinary medicines. These programs are designed to reduce antibiotic dependency through improved farm management and preventive veterinary practices.
  • Quality Control and Compliance: Sanfovet adheres to stringent quality controls when producing and distributing veterinary drugs. This ensures that all products meet local and international safety standards, supporting the global competitiveness of Vietnam's livestock products.
  • Innovation in Veterinary Solutions: By investing in research and development, Sanfovet aims to bring innovative products to the market that offer more targeted and sustainable disease management solutions, reducing reliance on traditional antibiotics.


Effective biosecurity is indispensable for the sustainable development of Vietnam's livestock industry. Companies like Sanfovet are crucial in providing high-quality veterinary products and fostering a culture of safety and responsibility. By enhancing disease monitoring systems, enforcing stringent drug management practices, and raising awareness among stakeholders, Vietnam can achieve a livestock sector that is not only productive but also resilient against biosecurity threats. This integrated approach will ensure the long-term health of the livestock industry and secure its place in the international market.